Tonbore (tidal bath)

  • Modification: 2024/01/11
  • Area: yoshida

In Yoshida village, at a time when there were neither clinic nor medical facilities, the tonbore tidal bath was used as a remedy for everything from the day’s fatigue to superficial cuts, scrapes, and blemishes.

Tonbore are natural coastal rock formations that can accommodate one to two people at a time for a bath. Villagers would add water to the brine left behind by the receding tide, drop heated rocks into the water, and then top off the bath with medicinal herbs—perfect for a long, relaxing soak.

In addition to their use as healing baths for injuries, they were also frequently used after free-dive fishing or laboring in the fields during harvest season as a place to rest and restore the villagers’ tired bodies.

There are a total of eight tonbore in Yoshida village.




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