Nakama Banyan Grove

  • Modification: 2023/12/22
  • Area: nakama

This gigantic banyan tree, which acts as a natural windbreak to the village, is over 300 years old and has been designated as part of Yakushima’s Cultural Heritage. Banyan trees here are also known as “octopus trees” as per their physiology, which is characterised by aerial roots sent down by the tree to the ground, which form the huge and gnarled-looking trunk.

Beyond this arched gate once stood a factory that processed sugar cane, as well as a power-generating water wheel at the river. It is said that if you pass under this banyan arch, you will be the recipient of good fortune—thus, it came to be known as the “lucky banyan gate”.

The Nakama River (also known as the Great River), is large amongst Yakushima’s bodies of water, and has allowed for the lives and livelihoods of the village residents since ancient times. On its opposite shore, there stand several large ficus and banyan, one of which is a large multi-tree composite banyan.

Banyan Grove



  • Tourist Spots
  • 里めぐりパンフレット
