Banyan and Sea Fig

  • Modification: 2023/12/22
  • Area: nakama

Acting as a natural windbreak against the strong coastal winds of the area, many a banyan (any number of species under the Ficus sub-genus of Urostigma) and sea fig (Ficus superba var. japonica) tree can be found around Nakama Village.

Within the village, too, are these special trees—typified by the beloved banyan arch that is comprised of a 300-year old banyan on the left and a younger sea fig on the right (when viewed from the bridge).

Upriver from this spot at a distance of approximately 30 meters is another gigantic multi-tree symbiote, again comprised of sea fig and banyan. The grounds of Nakama shrine also feature a prominent banyan tree for your dendrological viewing pleasure.

Banyan and Sea Fig



  • Tourist Spots
  • 里めぐりパンフレット
